

Payment Processing SaaS built for Ionix.

Founder as a Service


The Ask

Ionix is a Software Factory with over 10 years in the payments and transactional security industry.
I joined the company in June 2019 as Head of Innovation, to be the right hand of the new CEO leading a complete overhauling of the company.

As Head of Innovation, I was asked to come up with a product to compete in the payments industry.

Based on the many products that the company had built in the past, we decided to create a Payment Gateway that, asides from becoming our transactional core for B2B Clients, could be released as a self service platform for small companies and entrepreneurs.

Let's get to work.

The Name

We needed a short and sticky name. Most of the competitors at the time had boring names.

Zeleri comes from the spanish word "Acelerar" (To speed up, to accelerate). In "broken chilean" (chilean slang) someone could say "No te acelerí" (Broken spanish for don't go too fast/don't accelerate) and "Zeleri" sounds as "acelerí". Hard to understand when you're reading this sh*t in enflish but whatever. It is a cool name ok?

Product Development

I lead a team of 4 Engineers to Design & Develop this Zeleri, asides from leading the branding, mkt and sales efforts.

All Prodict Development information is property of Ionix.


Zeleri is up and running on
Disclosure: The product has been refactored multiple times by other teams since my departure.
I can't vouch for the quality of the services provided, nor take any credit for the current product.

More work